Tell us your Pain Story

Tell us your Pain Story

Welcome to Neuropax Clinic! We are thrilled that you have found us. Based on our experience with Peripheral Nerve Pain patients, we understand that you have likely seen several doctors in your search for answers and pain relief. We also know you might be frustrated, perhaps feeling alone and feeling like you are out of options. If you are still searching and found us, it is likely that your pain has not been resolved. Please tell us your story and let us see if we can help you find some answers and ultimately some relief.


Our physicians, Robert R. Hagan, MD and David L. Brown, MD are some of the foremost leaders in the treatment and care for Peripheral Nerve conditions. We are based in St Louis, Missouri, but we have patients from all over the United States and beyond.


Tell us YOUR  story. We want to know about you and your pain journey. We will read every word and we will listen.


If you want to talk further, please check the box that asks that we contact you. If you share your pain journey with us but would rather reach out when it is convenient for you, that is always an option too.  


We understand that your pain journey is a very personal story, rest assured it will remain private with us. Thank you for trusting the doctors and staff of Neuropax with your story.


We look forward to hopefully meeting you and becoming part of the final chapter of your pain journey.