What is a Nerve Block?

After hearing the history of the pain and performing a physical examination, the surgeon will often have a pretty good idea as to the nerve(s) that are responsible for causing the pain.  To be sure of this diagnosis, and to localize the precise spot to operate on the nerve, a nerve block is performed.


In the office, the surgeon will “look” into the tissues with an ultrasound machine to identify the location of the nerve(s).  They will then inject a small amount of local anesthetic “numbing medicine” next to the nerve.  This puts the nerve to sleep, blocking transmission of pain signals to the brain at this location – temporarily. If the pain goes away for a couple of hours afterward, then the DIAGNOSIS IS ESTABLISHED!  This puts a name to the problem, and points toward a potentially permanent solution!


** The doctors at Neuropax Clinic are EXPERTS in locating and blocking the nerves using ultrasound.  This is a significant benefit, as you will not need to go elsewhere to have the test done, and the surgeon who will be relying on these results will be the one doing the test!


“I had a nerve block performed at another doctor’s office and it didn’t work.” 


Nerve blocks are NOT (usually) the solution (they are not meant to be a treatment).  They are the “test” that helps to make the diagnosis of what is wrong. If you had a nerve block done in the past that helped your pain significantly for EVEN 1 HOUR, that is GREAT NEWS and means that surgery may hold real promise for long-term treatment!