What should I expect on the day of my Nerve Block?

Your surgeon will explain each step as you go.  Your visit will last anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the results – sometimes additional blocks are required to find the exact spots on the nerves involved, and your Neuropax Surgeons will do their best to get to the bottom of it. 

After confirming where your pain is, the doctor will put some gel on your skin and look into the tissues by placing an ultrasound probe on the skin’s surface.  They use a small needle to numb the skin and to place a little bit of numbing medicine (like is used in dental procedures) next to the nerve.  Then, after about 10 minutes, you will assess how much of the pain is gone.  Usually only one block is required.  If some or all of the pain remains, another block may be performed in a different location.

The numbing lasts for approximately 4-6 hours, and you will be asked to take notes on how it felt later in the day.  ** Some people describe a “rebound” in their pain later in the day, after the numbing effect wears off.  Someone from our team will call you the next day to discuss your results.