Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for Carpal Tunnel, Headache Surgery, Nerve Compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and Chronic Joint Pain.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Warning Signs in Indianapolis

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by repeated and frequent pressure on the median nerve. This is the nerve that gives feeling and movement to the different part of the hand, and it’s located in the wrist. Carpal Tunnel is common in people that work primarily with their hands, fingers and wrists with repetitive actions. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome warning signs are there to be found.

If we watch for these early signs, we can keep on top of it. A really early sign is tingling or numbness in the palm, thumb, middle, ring and index fingers. If you start to notice these, you may have inflammation in the tissues of the wrist pressing on the median nerve. This causes the increased pain and numbness in the palm and fingers.

Also watch for fine finger coordination issues. If you find yourself dropping or carrying things awkwardly, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. You can also watch for weakened hand grip.

Severe cases will give you a stiffening, locking or tightening of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. This can be so bad that it’s difficult to sleep or concentrate.

Keep track of loss of strength or even muscle atrophy in the palm and fingers, noticeably in the thumb. If you suddenly can’t open a pickle jar, you could be experiencing the extreme signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If you feel that you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, please call the office at Neuropax Clinic at 314-434-7784 to make an appointment. Don’t live in pain another day if you don’t have to. Visit for more information.


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