Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for Carpal Tunnel, Headache Surgery, Nerve Compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and Chronic Joint Pain.

Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for Carpal Tunnel, Headache Surgery, Nerve Compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and Chronic Joint Pain.
Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for Carpal Tunnel, Headache Surgery, Nerve Compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and Chronic Joint Pain.

This past week we saw many patients with a condition called Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (nTOS). Most of these patients had a history of some form of whiplash injury, which is the most common cause of this condition that we see in our practice.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome can be neurogenic or vascular or both. 95% of cases are neurogenic or nerve related.

There is a long list of symptoms for nTOS that include: upper extremity and hand numbness/tingling, pain and weakness, shoulder pain (anterior and posterior), scapular pain, chest wall pain, neck pain, occipital headache, ear pain, facial/jaw pain and more. It can cause some, many, or all of these symptoms.

The diagnosis of TOS is often overlooked. Many times patients have seen multiple other providers by the time they have been referred to us or found us on their own research.

We have developed a systematic approach to establishing the diagnosis. We then approach the treatment plan with a patient-centric philosophy. Every patient is slightly different and commands this level of attention and detailed planning.

The topic of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is one that we will revisit frequently. There are many components to this complex condition to discuss.

If you or someone you know is suffering from TOS Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, please feel free to reach out to us for help.

May you live without pain.

Neuro = Nerve

Pax = Peace


On Key

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