Why Does My Wrist Hurt?

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Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery, or Carpal Tunnel Surgery, is a procedure designed to release the pressure or impingement on the median nerve, relieving the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome is expressed by pain and numbness in the hand and wrist, and is often caused by repetitive stress and holding the hand/wrist in an awkward position. People who type often, use a hammer, or work in a factory setting are all candidates for this syndrome.

During the surgery, an incision on the base of the hand is made, letting us examine the transverse carpal ligament. We are then able to clean up the area, suture the wound, and you are usually released that day. Carpal tunnel surgery is not typically an overnight hospital stay and is usually done under local anesthesia. It’s a one-day procedure and you should sleep in your own bed that night.

After the procedure, you need to keep the hand wrapped for 10-14 days, until the stitches are removed. The pain and numbness may go away right away, or may linger for a few months. You really should take it easy with the wrist for at least 3 months. If it’s your dominant hand, you want to give it a little longer to rest before returning to work. Non-dominant hand surgery patients can usually return to non-physical labor in a day or two, but if it’s your dominant hand or you have a very physical job, you may need physical therapy and more rest than that.

The surgery is generally recommended after nonsurgical treatment has failed. Braces and anti-inflammatory medicines can help the situation, along with rest, but surgery is the last step. This also assumes that there is no nerve damage. Nerve damage patients should have surgery more quickly to avoid the situation becoming worse.

If you feel that you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and you are ready to do something about it, Neuropax Clinic and Dr. Robert Hagan are ready to help. If you suffer from numbness or pain in your wrist or hand, call us at 314-434-7784 to schedule an appointment or visit www.neuropaxclinic.com for more information. Don’t live with wrist pain any longer than you have to.


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