Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for Carpal Tunnel, Headache Surgery, Nerve Compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and Chronic Joint Pain.

Are You Suffering From Nerve Compression In St. Louis?

Are You Suffering From Nerve Compression In St. Louis?

Are You Suffering from

Nerve Compression in St. Louis?

With so many advances in chronic pain treatment, there is no reason why anybody should have to live in discomfort and agony. Yet, millions of people suffer every day from some form of nerve compression syndrome. It is also known as trapped nerve, compression neuropathy, nerve entrapment syndrome, and entrapment neuropathy. It occurs when there is direct pressure on a peripheral nerve which results in weakness, pain, numbness and tingling. The symptoms are felt in one area of the body, depending on the effected nerve.

Most Common Types of Nerve Compression Syndrome

There are several different varieties of this medical condition. Here are some of the most common types and the nerve they affect:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – This one affects the most people. It is felt at the wrist and happens when there is excess pressure on the median nerve.
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome – This one also affects a lot of people and is also known as ulnar nerve entrapment or ulnar neuropathy. It is felt in the elbow when too much pressure is put on the ulnar nerve.
  • Guyon’s Canal Syndrome – This also affects the ulnar nerve, but the impact and symptoms are felt in the hand. It can also limit your mobility.
  • Radial Nerve CompressionSyndrome – This is when the pressure is on the radial nerve, which cover the whole arm. You’ll feel the affects in you hand, wrist, and fingers.
  • Meralgia Paresthetica – When the lateral cutaneous nerve is affected, you’ll feel the symptoms in your outer thigh, making it difficult to walk.
  • Suprascapular Nerve Compression Syndrome – This syndrome is caused when the suprascapular nerve is affected. You feel the pain and other symptoms in your shoulder.


What Causes Nerve Compression Syndrome?

Compression of a nerve usually occurs when it is exposed to repeated or prolonged external force, like extending your wrist to use a mouse or type on a keyboard. Other causes include accidents like broken bones and sprains. There are also certain types of medical conditions that will make you more susceptible to these conditions. Some of these are:

  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cysts and Tumors
  • Neural Disorders
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Pregnancy


Treating Nerve Compression in St. Louis

This is a very treatable medical condition and it all starts with lifestyle changes. This is especially true if obesity is the cause. Physical therapy has helped some people improve strength and flexibility. It can also help reduce symptoms such as numbness and pain. Medication has helped relieve inflammation and pain in some people. However, when nothing seems to work, peripheral nerve decompression surgery is a great option for people who qualify.

When treating nerve compression syndrome, you want to go the best. Neuropax Clinic is the St. Louis Leader for carpal tunnel, headache surgery, and other medical procedures dealing with chronic pain. You can count on their team of experienced medical staff to listen, examine, and treat you with the respect and professionalism you deserve!


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